Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Compare & Contrast: Chess and Cards

There are many games that will be useful in free time that you can play with a friend or enter a contrast to win a prize. In this essay I will compare and contrast between two international games, namely chess and cards in terms of game quality, purpose and some other important aspects. First let us start with quality of the game.

The first difference is that number of players is different, in chess only two players allowed while cards goes between two to eighteen players. Another different is the average length, the average length of chess is about 1 hour and 30 min on the other side the cards average length is about 15 minutes only. The chess game is not portability as the cards that because the cards is very portability so you can move and change place easily. Another thing is the materials of chess are very different then the card, the chess materials is chess pieces and board which the card materials only include cards.

And now let have a look at the purpose and the difficulty of the two games. The purpose of playing cards is the same as the purpose of playing chess which both of the them the purpose is entertainment and for claim money. The difficulty of the chess is very difficult then the cards.

Finally let see the other important aspects. The Types of playing the game is really different, the chess have only one type of playing which the card got hundreds way of playing. Also the chess is popular but the cards is more popular.

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