Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Compare & Contrast: Horse racing and Camel racing

Now days there are many type of racing but there are animals racing which it is poplar in each area for a special animal. Camel racing which is poplar in the Middle East and on the other hand is Horse Racing which is international race. In this essay I’ll compare and contrast Camel racing with Horse racing.

Both of them are similar in that both use race tracks. However the camel track is much longer then the horse tracks that why camel track sometimes over 10 kilometers and it is on desert ground while horse are one or two kilometers and usually on grass. That because horse is a fast animal but unfortunately they can run for short distances. On the other side camel is slower but has much endurance more than the horse.

Another similarity is that they both claim a prize. In Camel racing the money is very less then horse racing prize but usually they claim a prize such as a cars, whereas in horse racing they sometime involving millions. Moreover a lot money made by gambling on horse racing which gambling is forbidden in many Arab countries which most camel racing is in Arabian countries.

Finally both of these racing are alike in both use jockeys but in horse racing they use professionally trained athlete furthermore in camel racing they use some time use young boys or sometimes a robot.

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