Saturday, December 26, 2009

Reflective Essay

In general this course was very helpful to my education. I have done many writings which helped me very much in improving my writing styles. Especially the blog it was helpful and at the same time was interesting, in which if I was late in my English course, it helped me to catch up with other collie.

My best writing was the procedure, as it helped me to write in organized steps. Also the teacher’s instructions helped me a lot, also the ILC which we used to go to it once a week. ILC helped us to practice and improve our listing, reading and writing.

The narration writing was the most difficult to me. Also I needed a lot of practicing in writing and listening in order to improve my grade. So as I mentioned before, that by practicing I got through this challenges.

I think I did great in this course. And I hope to be like that till I graduate

Narration: Accident in the Desert

It was a cloudy day when we decided to gather our things and camp in desert. We were four men, so we divided everything between us to provide food, water and other supplies. I was the one who has to bring the camera, tent and the camping tools. We choose a spot which was far from any connections.

The four men were me, my cousin Ahmed, and the other two were friends of us, Juma and Mohammed. Juma and Mohammed were the two who brought the foods and drinks. But the flash lights, woods and matches. We all went there by one car, and arrived there at the sun set. So Ahmed hurried up to light up the woods as the temperature was low. Mohammed and Juma helped me to fix the tent, and to move our stuff inside it.

We gathered around the fire, and cooked our dinner which was rice and meat sticks. The dinner was so delicious, that we needed to drink some coffee to focus and chit-chat little bit before we went to sleep. However, the temperature kept falling and the wind started to blow faster and faster. And the place was even darker, no stars no moon. We started to freak out when we saw the first drops of the rain. It starts to rain so hard, we couldn’t do anything; even we couldn’t start the car engine as the sand had become a heavy mud. And the car might get stuck but we didn’t want that to happen. We just stayed in the car waiting and hoping the weather to calm down. The clouds kept raining till the sunrise; unfortunately all of our stuff were damaged and covered with mud. And the tent has flown away.

Finally, that day was really scary, but the good thing that we all were safe. It was a hard lesson for us. So next time we have to make sure if the weather is stable or not.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Compare & Contrast: Horse racing and Camel racing

Now days there are many type of racing but there are animals racing which it is poplar in each area for a special animal. Camel racing which is poplar in the Middle East and on the other hand is Horse Racing which is international race. In this essay I’ll compare and contrast Camel racing with Horse racing.

Both of them are similar in that both use race tracks. However the camel track is much longer then the horse tracks that why camel track sometimes over 10 kilometers and it is on desert ground while horse are one or two kilometers and usually on grass. That because horse is a fast animal but unfortunately they can run for short distances. On the other side camel is slower but has much endurance more than the horse.

Another similarity is that they both claim a prize. In Camel racing the money is very less then horse racing prize but usually they claim a prize such as a cars, whereas in horse racing they sometime involving millions. Moreover a lot money made by gambling on horse racing which gambling is forbidden in many Arab countries which most camel racing is in Arabian countries.

Finally both of these racing are alike in both use jockeys but in horse racing they use professionally trained athlete furthermore in camel racing they use some time use young boys or sometimes a robot.

Compare & Contrast: Chess and Cards

There are many games that will be useful in free time that you can play with a friend or enter a contrast to win a prize. In this essay I will compare and contrast between two international games, namely chess and cards in terms of game quality, purpose and some other important aspects. First let us start with quality of the game.

The first difference is that number of players is different, in chess only two players allowed while cards goes between two to eighteen players. Another different is the average length, the average length of chess is about 1 hour and 30 min on the other side the cards average length is about 15 minutes only. The chess game is not portability as the cards that because the cards is very portability so you can move and change place easily. Another thing is the materials of chess are very different then the card, the chess materials is chess pieces and board which the card materials only include cards.

And now let have a look at the purpose and the difficulty of the two games. The purpose of playing cards is the same as the purpose of playing chess which both of the them the purpose is entertainment and for claim money. The difficulty of the chess is very difficult then the cards.

Finally let see the other important aspects. The Types of playing the game is really different, the chess have only one type of playing which the card got hundreds way of playing. Also the chess is popular but the cards is more popular.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Process: Organizing a Party

Organizing a party is a really good event between friends, but from time to time we need to celebrate something such as a birth, a move to a new house, or a promotion. Not all parties have to be big events. In this essay, I will describe the steps of how to organize a party.

The most important step is to plan well in advance. Furthermore you must invite people in good time, so they will be able to come. Next, decide whether you want to have the party in your house or in a hotel. If there are a lot of people, you may have to use a hotel. However, if the number is small, you can provide the food yourself or you can order it. The next step is to make a list of guests and to send out invitations. If you want to be sure that they are coming, you should ask them to respond to the invitation. Tell them if there is food, and give the address and the time. The most important thing to remember is that it is not the food, music or location that is the reason that people are coming. They are coming to celebrate with you. Finally, enjoy your own party and your guests will probably enjoy themselves as well.

In conclude, follow these steps and everything will be fine.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Process : Popcorn


A lot of people like eating popcorn while watching the TV or in the cinema. In this essay I will show the process of how to make perfect popcorn.

The first step is that three tablespoons of oil are put in a large pot. Second, the pot is placed on the stove and the oil is heated on a high flame. Next, one kernel of popcorn is added. After this kernel pops, a quarter cup of popcorn is put into the pot. The pot is covered with a lid. Then the flame is reduced and the pot is gently shaken until the corn pops. After that the pot is removed from the stove, which is turned off. Ultimately, the popcorn is emptied into a large bowl, where melted butter and salt are added.

In summary, making popcorn is very easy if you follow the steps carefully and it won’t take much time.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Narrtion eassy: Ramdan

I woke up late that day at 1 pm, it was the last days of Ramadan. I was so lazy as it was the last day of the week plus the college had given us the day off . so I was deadly bored. My phone range, it was my cousin. I was surprised by his call I don’t know why, I answered, poor cousin he wanted to invite me to a trip. A trip to al katim, it is a place of farms between Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. So all the guys are going, I got excited by the idea of course because I was bored. As we all will take our buggy’s and motor bikes to play over the dunes down there at al katim.

The hours had past fast, at 7 pm after I eaten my iftar with my family. I got up to take my things, so I’ll be ready when my cousin calls. The plan was that we will just play there with our motors, my cousin called I took my things and I drove to my uncles homes as the guys will gather there, and we’ll move together.

We arrived there at 9 PM, and the weather was great. I was known at every trip that I am the camera man who catches every move with his camera. Few hours has past, everything was going all right. One of the guys was going crazy, as it seems to me he was a crazy by his stupid move. He tried to fly by the buggy over a huge dune, he tried several times it was cool and okay. He tried to do it again for the last time before we leave, he wanted it to be the last and higher jump. He jumped but when he hit the ground he hit it harder than before unfortunately two of the right side tiers had broken, and the buggy started to turn around itself. It was scary we didn’t know what to do. The guy wasn’t wearing the safety belt so he flow of the buggy and he was able to run from it before it hit him while spinning around itself . We thank god that nothing bad happen to him.

It’s was a big lesson for him and us to learn, So next time we need to take it easily and be more carefully.

Procedure essay: Al Hajj

One of the five pillars of Islam is al hajj and it is the last. It is one of the largest annual pilgrimage on earth, between the eighth and the thirtieth of the last month of Islamic calendar. Al hajj has been mentioned several times in Quran. So that’s leads us how important it is. It is a pilgrim that has to be done by every Muslim, whose physically and financially able, once in a life.

Al hajj is a trip to Mecca, which Muslims all over the world are obligate to do to show their commitment to Allah. First, men has to wear two pieces of white cloth covering their chest and legs, and this is called ihram. After wearing the ihram, Al hajj has to be done step by step without ignoring any part of it, Otherwise, it won’t be accepted by god.

In conclusion, al hajj is a wish of every Muslim. It is a great experience every person should have it.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Procedure essay: Ramdan

According to the Islamic calendar Ramadan is the ninth month of the year. Each year the month moves ten days forward, also it depends on the moon. Ramadan is known as the month of fasting, and it is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is a spiritual month that Muslims all over the world, every year waiting for it.

Muslims fast in Ramadan from dawn to sunset, they fast from food, drinks, smoking. Usually Muslims avoid the offensive behavior, also offering more prayers than usual and ask the god forgiveness for their past and the guidance in their coming days and the future. As reading Quran is very required. There are many practices in this holy month. Such as waking up before the dawn to eat “suhoor”, so that they do not feel hungry during the day. People are allowed to break their fast at the forth prayer of the day until the next morning, but before the dawn.

As the new moon sighted, it means that Eid al fitr has arrived, Eid al fitr is the Islamic holiday which ends the 29 or 30 day of fasting “Ramadan”. Eid al fitr is the celebration of muslims all over the world.

Procedure essay: How to fail a portfolio

The portfolio is needed to be done by each student. As it is known every teacher spends sometime explaining for their students how fill their portfolio and organize it. There are some simple instruction has to be done, in order to create a successful portfolio. However, only the focused students will present the successful one.

Many reasons needed to be defined why students cant present a good portfolio. For example, the binder is not organized or in order, the papers are not divided in a proper way, or the size of the font and the color is awful. Also the needed information might not be written, or it is written in wrong places and unorganized. Handing the portfolio late, is the main reason why students fail.

It is easy to make a portfolio, but it depends on the students. Which they have to focus and write the notes down, in case they forgot it.